"Because We Are Beliebers"
Guess what?
Someone's back!
Wanna know who it is?

The Bieber Hairflip!!

Finally after cutting it about two times, Justin shows up with his new hairflip to the TOSY's presentation of their new robot. He's about to be 18 in 2 months and his new 'do makes him look way younger than what he really is.

Here are some photos: (click one)

Justin and the Robot
Justin and a fan

And guess who the new couple appeared?
JARM (Justin and Arm)

Since Selena wasn't there in New Year's Eve with Justin, he decided it was time for a little make out with his arm.. If you don't believe me click here to see the video.

(He is the one in the red hat and starts making out at seconds 0:15)

It's the funniest and cutest thing i've ever seen in my life :)

"We love Justin, Justin loves us... We are Beliebers"